Specialising in Family Law and Employment Law
Online Advisors Available Now
Who We Are
(1) Brixton Legal Centre (BLC) (originally called The Advice Shop) was founded in 1993, and is Brixton’s oldest free access legal advice service.
(2) It was founded by, and is still supported by, Brixton Unitarians, a broadly spiritual community which has been based in Brixton since 1839 at Effra Road Chapel.
(3) Its legal advice is kindly provided by barristers at Lincoln’s Inn Fields’ Chambers.
Areas of Law
(2) Family Law
(1) Employment Law
Including signing-off on redundancy
(3) Excluding:
(a) Crime
(b) Immigration
(c) Housing
(d) Benefits
(e) Personal Injury
(f) Form filling
(g) Authentication of documentation
(h) Etc
How it works (usually within a day or two)
(1) Enquirers submit the brief online form below. We can usually advise and or refer within a day or two. However, see (6) below.
(2) We advise in writing on the information provided and or refer you to a more appropriate provider who may be able to not only advise, but provide hands-on assistance.
(3) We may ask supplementary questions and then advise in writing and or refer you to a more appropriate provider who may be able to not only advise, but provide hands-on assistance.
(4) If you appear eligible for Legal Aid, we will refer you to a Legal Aid lawyer.
(5) If it appears you have a case which may be worth defending or pursuing, and your funds permit, we can introduce you to a suitably qualified and competitively priced lawyer in private practice whom we work with on a regular basis.
(6) We aim to provide the above service within 14 days at the outside, and we can usually advise and or refer within a day or two. However, this is not an emergency legal service. For that sort of service you need to go to a suitable solicitor directly ASAP.